"For behold, I come quickly" Revelation 22:12
"For behold, I come quickly" Revelation 22:12
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Couples Counseling is not intended to be a service only used when you and your partner are experiencing conflict. Couples Counseling is like a multi-vitamin, you take one daily in order for your immune system to remain strong. Couples counseling works in a similar way, as it supplements your relationship through improving communication skills, discussing issues that may be underlying and it sets the tone for how you and your partner will face future events which may be stressful and burdensome to your relationship.
Many individuals who are in a relationship have topics of discussion that they are afraid to discuss for fear of losing their partners, changing the relationship or coming across as “needy”. These are usually the topics of discussion that are the most important to have and can include things like, how many children should we have? how do we combine our finances? How do I tell my partner that I don’t want to combine our finances? What happens if one of us get laid off from our jobs? How do I tell my partner that I don’t appreciate the way their mother/father/sister talks to me? Do I tell my partner about the previous partners I have had? How do I tell my partner that I’m not a virgin anymore?
If these are some of the questions you have, amongst many, then you should consider couples counseling. If these questions have already been discussed between you and your partner, that’s wonderful news, but do you really know if your partner understood correctly and if they expressed how they truly felt about the realities?
Couples counseling is beneficial in a way that it improves communication lines between you and your partner. It helps set boundaries and it creates a safe space to express your wants, needs and desires. It opens up areas that are full of cobb-webs and allows fresh insight into difficult and easy parts of a relationship. It creates a much-needed boost to any future you and your partner are dreaming about.
Your future relationship is the center of the counseling process at Elohim Christian Counseling. Once counseling is over, you and your partner should start living in a relationship that will base its actions on the principles of God Almighty because your future depends on it. The goal at Elohim Christian Counseling is to bring the Holy Trinity back into your relationship for Him to build a protective hedge around your future union. The aim is to allow God to bless you with an Ephesians 5:21-33 Marriage , whereby you first submit to God and then to one another. You are there to build and grow together under the Lordship of Christ Jesus, whom you first belong to.
Elohim Christian Counseling provides you with these skill sets for your relationship to function in a strong and healthy way outside of the counseling room. The counselor will suggest individual counseling throughout the process of couples counseling in
order to address specific areas that need individual attention. An initial counseling session will take place with both parties in order to discuss a plan moving forward in the counseling process.
The aim at Elohim Christian Counseling is to build on an Ephesians 5:21-33 Marriage, whereby you submit to God first and then to one another.
Elohim Christian Counseling (PTY) Ltd
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